January 15, 2007

Seven Hebrew Words for Praise (Part 2)

2. shabach (shaw-bakh’) – (verb)
to address in a loud tone…
to commend…
to glory…
to praise…
to triumph…
to praise with a shout…

Psalm 63:3 - Because your love is better than life,
my lips will glorify [shout to] you.

Psalm 117:1 - Praise the LORD, all you nations;
extol him [shout to him], all you peoples.

Remember the shout at Jericho! (Joshua 6)

15 On the seventh day, they got up at daybreak
and marched around the city seven times…

16 The seventh time around,
when the priests sounded the trumpet blast,
Joshua commanded the people,
"Shout! For the LORD has given you the city! …

20 When the trumpets sounded, the people shouted,
and at the sound of the trumpet,
when the people gave a loud shout,
the wall collapsed;
so every man charged straight in,
and they took the city.

LORD, I will praise You with a shout, in a loud tone.

Not a yawn, not a whisper!

Give me boldness to praise you,
and not be preoccupied with what others will think.

There are times to be still,
and other times when we are right to SHOUT our praise!


kara said...

Hey Gary -- this is really cool. we just learned about these 7 words last week here at DTS. it's funny how things come up more than once in such a short time! anyways, these are encouraging. thanks!

Gary Hicks said...

Hi Kara -- Glad to hear of your progress with YWAM DTS there in California. God bless you!