January 31, 2007

The foundation of worship: God’s love and our response

Have you ever thought about how ludicrous it is that God loves us? God’s love for us is mind boggling. The fact that God would came and save us through His Son’s death. God almighty, the being that created the sun with words, came to earth and died for us. God, who is completely pure, with out one blemish, no faults, came to a broken people full of sin and saved us.

This is ridiculous. God created the earth. He made things which we consider to be beautiful; Roses, puppies, grasses, mountains, hills, water falls, and the seas. He crafted beings that are vastly more capable of inhabiting an untamed world then we are; the bear, the fox, the wolf, the hawk, the mountain goat, the dolphin, the blue whale. Creators that grab our imagination, amaze us, and even terrify us. God made them. Every mountain, every tree, every blade of grass, every bird, every beast, every fruit fly, God owns.

The truly absurd thing is this same God came to earth and died to save us from our sins and save us from hell. This is the fist and fundamental basis for our worship of God. Our worship is a response to the fact that God came to save us. The second reason we worship God is married to the first and again is a response. Not only did Jesus death save us from hell, but Jesus’ death opened our way to receive help in this life.

By dying on the cross and taking our sins Jesus made us pure. This allows us to receive aid from God. God is willing, because of His son’s death, to come into us and fix our problems. The dug addict, the alcoholic, the prostitute, the liar, the sexually impure, the proud, the manipulator, the murder, the thief, can all find forgiveness and the power to change. (Remember: Jesus tells us in Matthew 5.21-30, that if we do something in our hearts we are just as guilty as those who have physically done the act.)

To be blunt we are all vile. We all have dishonesty in us. We all have some lust or some coveting. What is amazing is that God has taken away our guilt and given us the power to be pure. This is amazing. This, combined with the first, forms the biases of worshiping God. We were died in sin and then God came and saved us!

Love Come Down (Oh the Compassion of Our God)

We will always be amazed, that You have loved us,

That You found us in the our shame and still You loved us,

That You took all our disgrace, made us Your witness,

That You took away our shame, and gave us names

Love came down and found us there,

Where we were lost and helpless alone and scared,

Jesus came and set us free,

Oh the compassion of our God,

Oh the compassion of our God.

In every language it’s the same, the story ever told,

A family bought by blood, and united by Your love

In every nation and every tribe, in hearts in every race,

There is thankfulness for life, there is love because of grace


Anonymous said...

True enough! I think we don't hear often enough about God taking the initiative in our relationship. There's all this talk about how we "found Jesus," but he's not the one who was lost.

Gary Hicks said...

Yes, it all begins and ends with Him. As Romans 11:36 says, "..from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen."